Inlays Onlays Dentist Wyoming MI


Inlays and onlaysare an alternative to a filling when you’re experiencing tooth decay. Much like a dental crown, our inlay and onlay dentists will remove some of your tooth enamel in order to clear out the decay. Unlike a crown, however, inlays and onlays only require you to remove a small amount of tooth enamel. With inlays and onlays, we’re able to preserve more of your natural tooth.

The extent of your tooth’s damage will determine whether you need an inlay or onlay. Inlays, as the name suggests, sit in the center of the tooth, while onlays cover the top to restore the chewing surface.

Once the tooth decay has been removed, our inlay and onlay dentists will create the restoration. Our inlays and onlays are customized to fit exactly as needed. The finished piece will then be bonded permanently to your tooth, allowing you to eat and talk normally.

You should care for your inlays and onlays just like you would a normal tooth, which means regular brushing and flossing in that area. With proper care, your inlays and onlays can last for years. If your restoration breaks, call our office to make an appointment for our dentists to repair it.

The Wyoming, MI inlays and onlays dentists at Ryan Frederickson DDS care about your oral health. To make an appointment, give our office a call at (616) 534-5602.